The Chilling what more can news organisations do to combat gendered online violence?

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Given the gravity of online violence targeting women journalists demonstrat-ed by the ongoing UNESCO-ICFJ study The Chilling,1 and in the face of new threats such as viral disinformation, far-right social networks, and digital con-spiracy communities, it is essential to assess news organisations’ responses. Research underpinning this chapter indicates that many newsroom reactions to gender-based online violence appear to have been non-existent, ad hoc, or inadequate. At times, they have even damaged the women journalists targeted. Large global news organisations sometimes identified as “best practice” exemplars by expert responders interviewed for this study were neverthe-less criticised by the journalists interviewed in the course of the research with regard to their responses to the crisis. They were accused of failing to fully understand the gendered nature of the attacks, appreciate the se-rious psychological impacts, adapt to emerging and increasingly sophis-ticated threats, and provide effective and holistic support that recognises intersectional risks and hybrid security threats. A number of outlets were also criticised for insensitive and counterproductive victim-blaming and/or speech-restrictive behaviours....
Periodismo, Mujeres, Violencia de género